

Durability: low
Shooting range – rockets: long (10 squares)
– machine gun: short (3 squares)
Damage – rockets: medium -> high
– machine gun: low -> medium
Speed: high

Ikaros is an interceptor. It is equipped with the launcher of air-air rockets Omega and with a short-distance shooting machine-gun. Asterkhel corporation equips these units with a jet propulsion.

These machines are often used in the air duels where, thanks to their speed and relatively good striking power, they often defeat even better armoured and equipped antagonists. The big positive of these machines is also their relatively long range of flight, that enables to send them to the rear of the enemy where they are protecting our bombers. The disadvantage of Ikaroses is their low resistance, due to which they are not able to bear larger number of shots.

“Asterkhel corporation has gained the right to produce own interceptors and it is considered to be the first step towards the anarchy that corporations are willing to achieve.” – a newspaper excerpt.